until it was time for jamin's share day. then the lego yoda was mandatory. except no one could find him.
that morning at breakfast when jamin realized it might be his share day and that he real REALLY need to take yoda, he and cora tried to remember yoga's last appearance. they had already found yoga's little lego body. it was only his super teeny lego head that was missing now. "cora had him on the deck," they decided and bundled up as a team to check outside. they looked on the deck, on the railings, then ran down into the yard to check the grass underneath. no yoda. lots of tears.
not having what he need for share (this cool thing! this thing that other kids would know and recognize and like!) quickly morphed into not wanting to go to school at all, a puddle of a boy on the kitchen floor while cora and I looked at each other sort of helplessly. after much reassuring and lots of attempts at problem-solving, we managed to get into the car with the promise of a fact-finding mission at o.p. taylor's after school. and it didn't feel like bribing, this promise of a toy store run. this might be the first time it felt like jamin and I really were working together to figure something out, a big something, something I was trying to value as much as he did while still keeping it in perspective. and it worked.
we went to o.p. taylor's, both of us shocked by price tags and the realm of lego possibilities. (you cannot buy just a lego yoda guy, in case you were wondering. he only comes as part of sets that start at $20. and I don't think I mentioned our particular yoda was wearing a santa outfit? I cannot explain this at all.) he didn't have the money, I wasn't willing to splurge, but even that turned out okay. he got it. we talked about saving up, but that wouldn't happen in time for his share (which had now been postponed an extra day). it was disappointing and hard, but he settled on building something lego-based of his own and saving up for yoda for his next share day. and that was that.

so saturday I was sweeping and there it was, right there where jamin and cora said it should be. I might have already had a beer and a half by then, and I might have fist pumped and announced to the neighborhood in a rather loud voice that I was the best mom ever. even though it was pure chance that I was the one that found sweet little yoga's head, the victory felt well-earned. and jamin, hearing my proclamation, came running and quickly agreed with my assessment. and that was the biggest victory of all.
maybe there is something to that yoda wisdom after all. I guess when we all sit down to watch the movies together in five more years, I'll know for sure.
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