as of today, we've known you for one month. it is hard to realize that only a month ago we didn't even know if you were a boy or a girl, and we thought of you only as pari the parasite. now here you are, asleep on your dad's chest, living and breathing on your own. pretty crazy stuff.

people ask me all the time if I am not just so in love with you. I have to admit, jamin, that I am not quite there yet. I feel like I am still getting to know you, and it is just too early to make declarations of being in love. sometimes I really like you, like when you are waking up and contorting your face into grimaces that are too cute to even try to describe. or when I am changing your diaper and you check yourself out in the mirror beside you and then glance up to stare at my reflection in the mirror, too. I love my mornings with you, waking up slowly and enjoying alert time, just me and you. the past couple of mornings we've spent some time rocking in the porch swing when we take rhodie out. it is moments like those that I just want to freeze in my brain in hopes that I will remember the peacefulness of it when you are two and having a tantrum in public or fifteen and yelling and slamming doors when we really do expect you to stick to a curfew.

and about pictures...you'll probably wonder why there are so many of you and your dad and hardly any of me. well, the obvious reason is just how cute the two of you are together, who could resist taking pictures of you all the time? the other reason is that it is too hot to bother with clothing, and while this is perfectly acceptable for you and your dad, it just doesn't fly for moms, at least not on camera. but I am here, I promise, just as much as dad. just a little more scandalous.

but, I gotta tell you, there are a few things we still need to work on. lots of them have improved already. I feel a little better about your eye contact, which makes me feel like you might actually notice more of me than my boobs occasionally. but only occasionally. most of the time I feel like some mechanical mama and you are just my robot baby. all we have to do is perform the right program to get you quiet, and we have succeeded for the day. not so rewarding. I am eager for the smiles, the hugs, jeez, just some form of recognition that we are doing something right and you appreciate it. that's the part that makes me not so ready to claim to be head over heels for you quite yet. but we're getting there.
the other thing that has to go is the screaming in the carseat. the car is supposed to be soothing to babies; you are supposed to like the gentle motion of the highway. apparently you did not get the memo. instead, once we strap you in and hit the road, your face turns a frightening reddish purple, and the sound you emit is simply not human. so we stop, and I pick you up, and all is right in your world again. except we still haven't made it to wherever we're going. not cool. so, let's get over that rather quickly, shall we? there is a lot of world we want to show you and it will be much easier to get there is we can just do it with fewer rest stops.
there will be even more firsts for you this coming month, much bigger milestones than the first bath or the first trip to the lake to feed the ducks (which you slept through anyway, so we'll have to do it again). today we are back at the group home, your first day on the job. it was a little overwhelming with so many people here to fawn over you, but we've already decided that you are a great motivator for kids to earn their free time. everyone wants to be near you! this month will also be your first road trip, your first camping experience, and your first vaccinations (!). lots to accomplish for such a small guy, but you seem up to the challenge.
even though I'm tired beyond belief, a little sad at my lack of social opportunities, missing eric even though I am with him every day, unsure of whether I am even doing a good job being your mama, still not fitting into my favorite clothes, not showering with much regularity, wanting to scream back at you when you are still awake after two hours of bouncing, and sometimes wondering what I did to my life, I am so so so very glad to be getting to know you better every day. we do a little better every day, you and I. you get a little cuter every day, I think, too. and, jamin, don't you ever doubt for a second, just don't ever even think that you are not so very very loved by the one that borned you.
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