1-dark and stormy: I can't even describe to you how much I enjoy this particular drink. and I can't believe I don't have a picture of one because I certainly consumed a lot of them this summer. yum.
2-roundabouts: no stop lights on shelter island. just traffic circles. and that makes life very good.
3-sunsets: so at mudflower because we live so high up and have so many trees around we hardly ever catch a good sunset at home. here I could sit at my kitchen table and watch the sun reflecting on the water as it set. after camp was over we had a family meeting and decided to take a walk on the beach every night after supper, so for our last month we caught the sunset nearly every night. it's a good thing.
5-real pizza: every stereotype you know about new york pizza is true, or at least it is at bella vita on shelter island. it is way delicious, they throw the dough up in the air, and once when I didn't have enough cash to cover my pie, the guy said, "fugeddaboudit". no joke.
5 things we squeezed into our last week, thank goodness
1-mashomack: this lovely nature preserve makes up a third of shelter island. we finally made a trip their our last week. great hiking, complete with off-road strollers. cora was in heaven.
3-joe young: finally had coffee with this kid. wish it had been earlier in the summer so I could have done it much more often.
4-turtle sighting: cora has been talking about finding a turtle all summer. as we got closer and closer to our departure date and the weather kept getting cooler,the rest of us had all but given up. but the day before we left, she found one, sure enough. pure bliss on this girl's face.
5-this gathering: I worked all summer to get this group of people together to take this very photo. totally worth the wait.
5 things photos can't capture
1-the deer craziness: they're everywhere. right next to our cottage, on the tetherball court, on the beach. it's kind of weird.
2-the grocery store parking lot: I just can't describe what it is like to pull into the grocery store and park next to a porsche on one side and a lexus suv on the other and then realize as you walk across the parking lot that yours is the only honda in sight. if iggy wasn't so well-adjusted, he might have gotten a complex this summer.
3-the way jamin has blossomed here: our boy loved camp in a way that surprised and humbled me all at once. he sang songs (with hand motions!) on stage, he made sure we all dressed up for fancy friday, he is a camp champ, all the way.
4-kid-hop eric: my husband has mad skillz. on friday nights during the skit show he would totally bust a secret agent 23 skidoo song out like it was nothing. somehow I never captured photographic evidence of this talent, but I am sure a photo could have never done it justice anyway.
5-vespers: vespers is our evening worship at camp. I can't ever capture the energy and enthusiasm and essence of this time. one of my favorite parts of every day.
5 things I won't miss one bit
1-rodents in my house: mice, chipmunks, and squirrels sharing my living space? won't miss ya one bit, guys.
2-having to go off island for tempeh or bronners: yeah, I am totally ready for some hippie convenience.
3-sunset beach stop sign: there is a seasonal stop sign in front of a bar just down the road from camp, marking a crosswalk where people can walk from the restaurant to the beach. mostly it is a place for people to stand in the road and air kiss each other hoping the paparazzi is catching it all on film. or at least that is the way it feels from my car, anyway.
4-new york prices: I am ready to think in north carolina dollars again. eric says especially for beer.
5-if I'm going to have one list that only has four items, this is a good one to do it on, right?
5 reasons I'm really glad we came
1-we met some fabulous people: fabulous people, I hope by now you know who you are. thank you.
2-my concept of "home" just keeps expanding, and I really like that.
3-we learned a lot about what we are good at and what we are doing right: we are good at connecting people and building community and being silly and helping other people do all of those things, too.
4-we missed a really rainy summer in brevard :)
5-this song.
"Now the distance is done and the search has begun
I've come to see where my beginnings have gone"
I can't wait to see what happens next!
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